Curiosities of Hybrid Equid History
Contents: Part I: Lord Morton's Mare Part II: The Kunga Part III: George Washington's Mules Bonus Part: The Zonkeys of Tijuana Mule competing at the U.S. Dressage Finals Image credit: Horse Illustrated Despite playing an important role in the history of many cultures from ancient times to the modern day, hybrid equids rarely get the credit they deserve for their contributions to humankind. While you are probably aware of the mule ( Equus caballus × Equus asinus ) and its significance as a draft, pack, and riding animal, you might not be aware of how it, and its hybrid equid cousins, have shaped history. The short blips in history that you are about to read highlight how equid hybrids have influenced humanity, however, they do not tell the full story. I highly encourage the reader to do their own further research on this interesting topic. Nonetheless, if you win Jeopardy (or family trivia night) because I taught you that George Washington had an obsession with mules, I would l...